Feeling Overwhelmed?

As we head into the busy Christmas holiday season, we can often feel overwhelmed, with more functions, social events, yummy food and drinks than usual, plus all the added mental load that comes with it. It’s a time when social gatherings and Christmas shopping take up most of your time (and brain capacity!) and your own healthy habits can be put on the backburner until the new year (New year, New you and all that).

Well, I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be this way. To help ease your overwhelm and reduce feelings of guilt, failure and self-loathing, I’m going to let you in on a little secret ……….







You don’t have to be perfect!

Progress over Perfection

During this busy period of time, focus on progress over perfection. For example – Can’t get to the gym for a workout, do a workout at home, don’t have time for a workout at home, park further away from your social event & walk. Find ways to add just a little more movement into your day. 

Here are some simple tips to help you stay on track with your health goals and THRIVE during the silly season:

  • Just do 2mins – how can you move your body more today? Squats whilst brushing teeth, push ups on kitchen bench whilst jug boiling.
  • Box breathing – calm the overwhelm and take a few moments to yourself. Try this box breathing method here.
  • Eat a healthy meal before your function. Don’t go hungry and let your cravings take over when you arrive. Having a hearty meal before attending (or even a healthy snack) will help you from grabbing everything & anything at your function. 
  • Use a smaller plate – if your function is buffet style, use a smaller plate to prevent overeating. You can always go back for seconds if you are still hungry. 
  • Dance like no one is watching – whether it’s your work Christmas Party or you are cleaning the house, crank some tunes & move your body. 
  • Do a brain dump – this time of year is so overwhelming and our brains are full speed thinking about ALL.THE.THINGS. Sit down for 5 mins and write it all down. What are all the things going round and round in your head? What presents you still need to buy, what you need to take to your baby group Christmas function etc etc

What else can you come up with? 

Throw Failure out the Window

And if the moment carries you away – enjoy it! No need to dwell in the past, in the should’s and shouldn’t’s and perceived failings. Show yourself some self compassion and love, and move on. Make your next action/decision one that will move you closer to your goal. No need to wait until the new year to get back on track. 

Need someone to keep you on track? Join us for the Summer Challenge starting 16th December for motivation, accountability & simple actions to help thrive through the silly season. Register now.