Winner - 2023 Group Trainer of The Year - ExerciseNZ Awards

Pop Up Park Workout

October 24th - 9:30am, Dunedin Botanical Gardens

Limited Spaces Available.

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Being a mum is the best job in the world. We would move mountains if we could to make sure our children are happy and smiling. We often put our families first and find it difficult to make time for ourselves. I get it, I’ve been there & still am some days, being pulled in different directions and too exhausted to think about myself. But we are amazing & deserving. We have grown, nourished, birthed and are raising amazing little people the best we can. I like to help Mum’s navigate their way through this different, crazy, constantly changing mum life to feel better, stronger and able to do whatever it is they want to do.

Whether you are pregnant, 6 weeks postpartum or 6 years postpartum, Empower Me Fitness has something for you. Become empowered to be the best version of yourself.

How can Empower Me Fitness help you?

Choose which option suits you best & click to find out!


Looking for something specific? Click on the options below. 

What People Are Saying

“I chose to do the online Foundation Fitness course as a way to incorporate fitness into my busy schedule in the comfort of my own home because I could not make it to any classes. I love the workouts because they are short but effective and they give you flexibility to fit them into your day. The focus on core stability is one of the major positives for me to regain strength after having children. I highly recommend the course to anyone looking for safe, effective and flexible workout options.”

I chose to attend these fitness classes to exercise, gain some strength back and tone up also. I love how the classes are a good length of time to push through the exercises and feel like you’ve had a good workout at the end. They’re also very relaxed classes so if you need to feed or change your baby you can do so and join right back in which is so helpful to be able to bring them along. I feel like I’ve already gotten stronger through these exercise classes which are once a week so I don’t feel like I have to commit to too many days. This also allows me to do my own exercise throughout the rest of the week when it suits me. I would definitely recommend Empower Me Fitness classes to anyone as it’s great to get some fitness and strength back all while being able to bring your baby or kids along and workout with other mums too!

“I found the programme easy to follow and a good basic work out that’s non complicated so perfect to get back into exercise or starting fresh.” (6 Week Mum-Fit Program)

“I first met Caren after I had gone back to work after finishing maternity leave with my second child. I was tired and feeling a little guilty about leaving the kids to work. I had struggled to keep active in the cold Dunedin winter and had put on weight.
Caren transformed my Monday nights and always sets me up for the week ahead. I love the half hour express workouts, which I can do once the kids are in bed.  I enjoy Caren’s innovative workouts (no two are the same) and Caren’s ability to vary the exercises depending on ability, or on the odd occasion when the kids steal the exercise equipment to play with!
I feel so much stronger now and have a load more energy. Caren is an excellent motivator and the weekend workouts she emails keep me on track between classes. I have also gained in confidence and ability to the extent I have tried a new sport, which I would never have contemplated before.
Joining Caren has saved me from feeling “blah”. Thanks Caren.”

I joined Caren’s class after having my second child and found it a great way of getting back into exercise having not done much in over 3 years. The classes are tailored to your own fitness level and goals, and are really varied and fun so that exercising doesn’t seem much of a chore! Caren has heaps of knowledge and motivational tips, and is also pretty handy at tending to grizzly babies when needed so all the mums can get in a decent workout : )

“I have been with Empower Me for 3 terms with a weekly work out and then I decided to join the Mum-Fit Programme. It was a great way to motivate myself to ensure I workout more at home rather than just the once a week catch up to suit my lifestyle with 2 busy kids. The videos and exercises are simple and easy to follow and I always felt a sense of achievement after each work out. This is perfect for those mums wanting to get back moving, not just for the physical aspect but most importantly the mental health!!! “

“I loved the video explanations of exercises and the fact I could refer back to them. It was great to follow a programme developed for mums by a mum” (6 Week Mum-Fit Program)

“I liked the ease and convenience of the Mum-Fit program. The workouts are quick and easy to do in the comfortable of your own home. I found the best time for me was once the kids had gone to sleep for night I’d quickly do my workout and then enjoy rest of night feeling better for having worked out. I also liked that I could trust that the workouts were safe for post pregnancy and they were about easing back into working out rather than pushing too hard too fast..” (6 Week Mum-Fit Program)

Contact Me

I would love to hear from you!

Please get in touch if you have any questions & I’ll be in touch shortly.

Phone: 0204 006 7441


Facebook: @empowermefc