Mums & Bubs classes waitlist
Thank you for registering your interest in Mums & Bubs classes with Empower Me Fitness & joining the waitlist. Classes are currently at capacity, however, when a space becomes available we will let you know asap.
Below you will find some information to help you understand your postpartum body and safely return to exercise.

Safe Return To Exercise Program
Join the FREE exercise program to help you bridge the gap between your 6 week check up and returning to exercise, put together by MumSafeTM.
Join the FREE exercise program to help you bridge the gap between your 6 week check up and returning to exercise, put together by MumSafeTM.
Women’s Health Physio:
As a MumSafeTM Trainer, Empower Me Fitness believes in the importance of every woman seeing a women’s health physio after birth (and during pregnancy if possible). All women’s bodies and experiences are different. Women’s health physios are specialised in pregnancy and postpartum bodies and are our ‘eyes on the inside’. They are a valuable compliment to any safe return to exercise. We are lucky to have some amazing ones in Dunedin. Click here to see your options.

Understand your Pelvic Floor
Click on the ‘Understanding Your Pelvic Floor’ image to download your FREE Pelvic Floor Guide. It includes quick videos to help you gain a better understanding of your core and pelvic floor.
Click on the ‘Understanding Your Pelvic Floor’ image to download your FREE Pelvic Floor Guide. It includes quick videos to help you gain a better understanding of your core and pelvic floor.
Join the Empowered Mums Community
Join the Empowered Mums Community Group on Facebook for added tips and tricks for a safe return to exercise, nutrition and pelvic health. Join here.
Join the Empowered Mums Community Group on Facebook for added tips and tricks for a safe return to exercise, nutrition and pelvic health. Join here.
Lastly, If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.